1.Sprint Planning: Sprint Planning is the first event inside a Sprint. The Scrum Team plans the items they are going to deliver in the Sprint and the way they will deliver them.
2. Sprint: Each Scrum project is a set of Sprints. Sprint is a container for the four other events (as represented in the above diagram), development effort, and the maintenance of the Product Backlog.
3. Daily Scrum: The Development Team starts working on the objectives of the Sprint as soon as Sprint Planning is completed. During this time, it holds a daily meeting (normally 15 minutes) to coordinate the work for the next 24 hours, which is called Daily Scrum.
4. Sprint Review: Before the end of the Sprint, the Development Team presents (demonstrates) the outcome of the Sprint to the customer and receives feedback. This meeting is called Sprint Review (also known as Sprint Demo).
5. Sprint Retrospective: After the Sprint Review and just before the Sprint is over, the Development Team holds an internal meeting to review the Sprint and use it to improve the process (lessons learned) in the next Sprint. This is called Sprint Retrospective.